FotoWeb Desktop Uploader - Option to replace metadata on batch edit



  • Ronny Evensen

    This is exactly the same situation as in the uploader in FotoWeb, and is not good at all. Excisting metadata should be preserved. And when uploading a single photo, the uploader should of course read that metadata from the image file and make it visible in the uploaders metadata view.

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  • Chris Gonzaga

    Yes, the FotoWeb web uploader also needs to be improved. It's missing features that help make it easy to add metadata to assets on upload while at the same time ensuring that metadata is not inadvertently lost. 

    We cannot risk users overwriting important metadata so we have disabled the web uploader until these issues are resolved.  

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  • Chris Gonzaga

    I also wonder if FotoWeb Desktop Uploader can be configured to not enforce mandatory metadata fields when batch editing? 

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