Upgrading a FotoWare system from version 7 to 8 .. see below for details to this question



  • Chris Stival

    Hi Ronny!

    We're glad to hear that you're planning to upgrade your FotoWare to version 8, and will be able to utilize all of the new features that come along with it. Going forward, you should use the following:

    FotoWeb 8.0.939 

    Index Manager 8.0.857 

    Color Factory 8.0.856

    Connect 8.0.742


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  • Ronny Evensen

    Thank you, Chris!
    The reason for my question was that Einar wasn't quite sure if we could go directly from the latest version 7 releases to the latest version 8 releases. But you think we can do that? Don't have to do it step by step from one of the earlier version 8 releases? Of course I have them all in my archive here.
    We have been running version 8 at our internal system since January, and I'm now planning to upgrade our external FotoWeb for press photos.
    When will FW 939 and CF 856 be available in the download center?


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