Catalina ready
Catalina will soon be shipped by Apple, and only 64 bit aps will run under this new OS. Current version of Fotostation 32 bit, when will 64 bit version be available?
Yes, as you're saying FotoStation is unable to render thumbnails in Catalina.
We ran FotoStation successfully with the prerelease versions of Catalina, but Apple has introduced some last minute changes to their operating system which we could not anticipate.We're working on fixing the issue and will push a new version via auto update when it's ready.
We're truly sorry for the trouble.
Hi Johan - we're planning to also have this ready later today. The fix will be delivered via auto-update or via manual upgrade if you want to download the installer. To manually download Pro or Client (gray icon) please follow these instructions:
From time to time, I have trouble transferring images via FTP. I highlight a number of images and press an action to send the images into our production system. But sometimes nothing happens. Next time I start FotoStation, I will be notified that I have images queued to send. If I press OK then it will send one image.
Is this a known problem?
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