Confirm Dialog - Clear Pinned Assets
Oh no! One of my users accidentally cleared her pinned assets. Days of searches gone in a flash. Could we please get a confirmation dialog or undo?
When you say she deleted her pins, was she working in the web interface or one of the plugins? (office/adobe)
A confirmation dialog would definitely be in order, no doubt about that. I'll add it as a proposed feature.
That said, pins are mostly used to make temporary selections, so in future I would recommend going to the pins tab every so often and adding all your pins to an album. That's a safer way to store them!
Would a tooltip on the trashcan icon help to clarify what it does?
We are concerned about a confirmation dialog making working with pins less efficient. Pins are designed for temporarily remembering assets to eventually do something with them later. For example, a user might do a couple of searches and pin assets on the way, then copy these assets to an album, then delete all pins and continue.
Albums are designed for users to permanently remember a selection of assets. They also do not have a limit on the number of assets they can contain, have more features (such as sharing), and can be restored if accidentally deleted.
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