Drag and drop Word/PowerPoint insert size
When using the Word/PowerPoint plugin, users click and drag images into their document, but the system inserts the image in medium resolution. The user often then enlarges this image and it pixlates.
Can you make the default size for click and draged be the large '1/1 width'?
Hi Mitch,
Sorry that this post was missed somehow...but there is an option to insert the full resolution 1/1 photo if you read the article linked here: https://learn.fotoware.com/02_FotoWeb_8.0/Using_the_FotoWeb_Desktop_extensions/01_Placing_assets_in_Office_documents_and_presentations/Inserting_files_in_an_Office_document_or_presentation
and scroll down to "Inserting pictures in the Office document".
Please have a look and let us know how it goes :-)
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